Quick Update: The ratio change seems to be going ok. Gabriel has had not had any grand mal seizures in several days. He has had at least 1 head drop everyday since Friday. Today was both the best and the worst day we have had since the diet change on Friday.

Gabriel and I had so much fun this morning: playing in water outside, making glue/paint projects, swinging and playing Ipad. We’ve had the Ipad for several months but G has just developed a LOVE for it the last few days. I try very hard to limit his media in take but all bets are off right now….especially when we are changing something. I figure his motor and verbal skills are impaired so I am going to give him every enjoyment that is safe.

After naptime he had a couple head drops. Then between when Chuck got home and bedtime he had several more including 2 falls. ๐Ÿ™ He fell straight on his back one time and bonked his head pretty bad. After the fall we put his helmet on. Chuck and I put our helmets too. I really want to get a picture of the 3 of us in our helmets. I know think of days in turns of “helmet days” and “non-helmet days”

On a positive note, I was able to successfully administer Gabriel’s medication by myself today! I have been lucky to have someone available to help everyday until today. Needless to say I was very concerned about it, but we found a new trick to get his mouth open and it worked brilliantly!

Hoping tomorrow is a non-helmet day. ๐Ÿ™‚