Last night my folks came over to help me get ready for heading back to work this week. Papa played with Gabriel, while Mom and I cooked.

I feel like it has taken me all summer to learn the diet and the recipes, as well as, what I  can have others help me with versus what I need to do on my own.

These are the  some”starter” ingredient for his chocolate heart candies, waffles and Jell-o Puffs. Gabriel was in a very cooperative mood, so I had everything measured and ready to go before my help arrived.

Finished product! 6 waffles, 4 servings of chocolate hearts, 7 Jell-O Puffs and 9 Cheese Crackers. When I add this to the  pizzas that our Pizza Angels made for us, I will only have to make 2 meals a day for the next week and 1/2!

“Take my picture Mommy, I saying Cheese” Of course Gabriel wanted to be the pictures too!

Oh..and several days without seizures 🙂